On Thursday 23rd June, we held our Annual Jansons Property rowing event, in aid of the Alexander Jansons Foundation, at Dorney Lake the Home of the Olympics.

This year’s event was a huge success, despite the torrential rain!!! In total there were 9 teams taking part , a few teams came back from last year, including Romans the champions from 2015, they were back to try a defend their title & keep hold of the Jansons Cup!!

The teams arrived in the drizzly rain, lots of familiar faces and new faces in team colors all turned out to support the Alexander Jansons Foundation.  Before the racing began teams indulged in a buffet to give them the fuel they would need to compete in the 3 races they would take part in that afternoon!!!

The teams and the company names that competed are listed below:

Bray Fox Smith –“Usain Boat”
Vail Williams – “Usain Boat”
Tusker – “Tusker Titans”
Savills – “Savills Row”
Rapleys – “Blade”
Romans – “No Boaters”
Jansons Property – “Shore Thing”
Cary Jones Chapman Tolcher – “Sea-J-Sea-T”
Starboard Hotels – “Starboard Strikers”
Nexus/Imperial One/Subadra/ASA/CMS Developments – “AJF All Stars”

After a short briefing from our coach Terry, 5 teams were announced to be ready for the first race, each boat raced twice to secure a place in either Final A or Final B.  Final A were competing for the Jansons Cup, Final B were competing to not come last and to go home with the “Wooden Oar”.

Annual Jansons Cup – 2016

All teams did fantastically well, even those who had never rowed before, it was a great day, despite the weather, but all teams fought until the end, to be the winners of the Jansons Cup!

After both races for each team, finals A & B Line ups were announced –

Final A Final B
“Shore Thing” “Tusker Titans”
“Blade” “Usain Boat”
“No Boaters” “Starboard Strikers”
“Savills Row” “Sea-J-Sea-T”
“AJF All Stars”

The Teams in Final B were the first out of the starting blocks, despite the couple of rumbles of thunder, this did not distract the teams!! “Tusker Titans” won the race, and walked away with a bottle of Champagne!! The last placed team in the race, and now the proud owners of the wooden oar, which comes with a complimentary crab!!! were “Usain Boat” a mixed team with rowers from Bray Fox Smith & Vail Williams.

Andy Jansons with Tusker the winners of Final B

Andy Jansons with Tusker the winners of Final B

Final B Winners – Crossing the Line

Final B Winners – Crossing the Line

Andy Janson with Bray Fox Smith & Vail Williams – The Proud New Owners of the Wooden Oar

Andy Janson with Bray Fox Smith & Vail Williams – The Proud New Owners of the Wooden Oar

Now it was down to Final A, this included Romans the winners from 2015, Savills, Rapleys & Jansons. All teams battled on to be the first to cross the finishing line, Jansons gradually fell to the back of the pack, with Rapleys in 3rd place!! This left Savills & 2015 Winners Romans fighting it out to be first over the line and pick up the Jansons Cup…you could hear the cheers from the crowds, pushing the teams over the line!!! Savills were the first team to cross the finish line, and they are now the new proud owners of the Jansons Cup, Romans followed closely in 2nd place.

Andy Jansons with Savills the overall Winners

Andy Jansons with Savills the overall Winners

The Winners in Action

The Winners in Action

A few Shots from the Afternoon

Briefing taking Place

Briefing taking Place

Jansons Team Hug

Jansons Team Hug

CJCT in Action

CJCT in Action

Rapleys & Savills

Rapleys & Savills

Supporters on the tower

Supporters on the tower

After the Presentation awards, the barbeque was ready. We had a great selection of food & drinks and it gave people opportunities to network with other companies.

Annual Jansons Cup – 2016

We would like to say a massive thank-you to everyone who participated and supported the Rowing Event. We hope you enjoyed yourselves and it would be great to see you at the 2017 Event!!

Great day had by all despite the rain!

Great day had by all despite the rain!

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