Edinburgh Business Park, Edinburgh
Total GDV(£)43,500
Total Area(sq.ft)160
Guest RoomsRelated Case Studies

Total GDV(£)125,000
Total Area(sq.ft)259
Guests RoomsSoCo ,Edinburgh
77 South Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1HNThe site had planning consent for a 4 or 5-star hotel along with business centre. Jansons acquired the site unconditionally and renegotiated the planning consent to include retail accommodation on Southbridge and adapted the design for a pre-let to Accor setting up the opportunity to forward fund the development with clients of Lasalle…

Total GDV(£)27,000
Total Area(sq.ft)309
Guests RoomsTravelodge, Bath Road, Heathrow
700 BATH ROAD, HOUNSLOWThe project comprised the demolition of an existing office building and the construction of a new 7 storey, Travelodge Hotel using a modular system developed by CIMC Modular Building Systems…

Total Area(sq.ft)222
Guests RoomsVirgin Hotel
Victoria St, EdinburghA classic example of Jansons site assembly. The India Buildings comprised a receivership sale of a prominent rare building in the old town of Edinburgh...

Total GDV(£)48,400
Total Area(sq.ft)132
Guests RoomsPremier Inn, Lavington Street
Great Suffolk St, LondonJansons identified a site owned by Unite which had consent for office development on a prominent corner of Lavington Street & Great Suffolk Street in Southwark...

Total GDV(£)76
Guests Rooms
Total GDV(£)76
Guests Rooms
Total GDV(£)76
Guests RoomsChapel Street, Chichester
Chapel Street, ChichesterA very prominent and historic building located opposite Chichester Cathedral. The property comprised of an existing Post Office with upper parts in a strong corner position...
Jansons secured planning consent for a 76 bedroom hotel. Fully pre-let to Travelodge. The development comprised of the refurb of the upper parts over the Post Office and a new build extension along the return frontage.
The development also included four and a half thousand square ft of retail accommodation and underground car park. Travelodge pre-let the development based upon 25-year full repairing insuring lease with compounded 5 yearly upward only rent reviews.
Following completion of the construction phase, the ground floor retail unit was let to a restaurant. The subsequent investment was sold to the Co-Op pension fund.