Jansons attended the Thames Valley Property awards last Thursday night 8th May. The event was held at Ascot Racecourse a fantastic venue which catered for in excess of 300 people.
The evening started with a drinks reception which gave everyone a chance to meet numerous familiar faces. We were called to dinner at 7pm for the commencement of the proceedings.
There was a short welcome followed by a speech from Jeremy Vine (a British author, journalist and news presenter for the BBC. He is the current host of the BBC Radio 2 programme Jeremy Vine, which presents news, views, interviews with live guests and popular music.) Jeremy hosted the evening introducing each award of which Jansons were sponsoring “Industrial & Logistics Property Consultancy of the Year.
Andy was invited to join Jeremy on stage to present the award. Nominations were Dowley Turner Real Estate, Lambert Smith Hampton & Jones Lang LaSalle. The winner of the award was Jones Lang LaSalle, sadly on this occasion they were unable to attend so Andy was asked to present the award to himself. As you can see from the photo.
The whole event was made a great success by attendance, food and good entertainment and something that Jansons will attend again next year. There is more information about the event on The Business Magazine website http://www.businessmag.co.uk/thamesvalleypropertyawards/