Jansons Property is happy to announce the newest member to our team, Tom Jansons. A talented individual with a background in the regional investment sector, thus far his focus been on the Thames Valley area however he is looking ahead to explore different areas. Tom will be handling acquisitions and asset management at Jansons Property bolstering our ranks with particular exuberance and hunger for fruitful opportunities.
When asked about his plans at Jansons he stated:
” I want to become an integral part of the team and bring the business new opportunities”.
Outside the realms of the property sector, Tom is a sportsman, the gym offers a second home while the football pitch is his sanctuary. Tom is also a keen skier when the weather is right, the slopes offer a different level of excitement. In contrast to his love of outdoor thrills, Tom has a spirited approach to charity and aims to become more involved with the Alexander Jansons Fund. A charity named after, his brother, Alexander Jansons who died from myocarditis in July 2013 at the age of 18. The fund focuses on raising funds to support research into the condition.

Jansons Property pride ourselves in trust, performance, and integrity, no doubt Tom will embody this with all the great work he intends to carry out. As we look to take on 2019, prospects for success are already looking positive with this latest addition to our team!